Saturday, 28 January 2012

Queer Eye for the Straight Guy

As we proceed down the literal path of 'The New Elvis Presley', we have established a spiritual connection through the opening lines. The 3rd line of the 1st verse starts in the same way that the song begins,'Here comes the new Elvis Presley'. I find that this is a trait that I display on occasions and the same style was used in 'Superstar'.  The next part of the line is 'hip-swaying too' which is a common stereotype for Elvis and therefore was a natural progression. As part of the rhyming quatrain which is created by two pairs of rhyming couplets, I had already established 'and wearing blue suede shoes' as the ending of the first verse. This image of Elvis wearing blue suede shoes and the obvious link to the Carl Perkins song that Elvis made famous, then begs the question. What else is he wearing? The preceeding phrase 'Iconic jumpsuit and cape' then literally 'jumped' out at me and then allowed me to complete the line with vivid imagery. Now I am sure that the sartorial eloquent amongst you would argue that such a combination doesn't work, however I will leave that to the experts such as the hosts from the show 'Queer Eye for a Straight Guy'.  

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